Ranch and Country Magazine Winter 2024-25 Quarterly

Ranch&CountryMagazine RANCH &COUNTRY Editor in Chief: Linda Boston Web Technician: IT Web Experts R ANCH&COUNTRYMAGAZINE is committed to a lifestyle — one that lives in harmony with the land and with all forms of life that make up the natural world, one that sees the earth as a place of peace and seeks peace in all situations, one that appreciates freedom of movement in the open country, the opportunity to breathe clean air and slow down and listen to the stars, one that recognizes what is precious and beautiful in all life, and one that contributes to the greater good by valuing even the least of these — knowing full well the common chord that binds us all. R anch & C ountry M agazine Prints Quarterly • Published Since 1995 Extensive distribution throughout California, Oregon, and the Western United States Publisher: Clarke Franke Graphic Design: Kimberly Heuer

In this Issue... this . Ranches, Estates, Farms, Acreage, Country Homes & Horse Properties and Land for Sale 3-20 Have a Hyggy Holiday 4 A Condensed Glossary for Rural Real Estate ownership 10-11 Ranch & Country Products and Services 17 About Ranch & Country Magazine 18

“Yay! A New Scarf!” By Barbara Slater Oil on Canvas

About Our Cover ...

Barbara Slater is a painter who lives in Oregon and is inspired by the “out west” way of life and cowboy culture with a touch of city glitz. She is a gifted artist who is recognized in many communities throughout the Northwest, California and the Southwest. She is a native of Utah, and early in her career she was illustrating children’s books, and displaying her work in galleries. She is well known for her commission

work and enjoys working with clients who wish to have their pets come to life on a canvas. Her images portray warmth and are life-like, her landscapes dramatic, and her floral still-life portraits dynamic. She is a member of Oil Painters of America, California Art Club, and High Desert Art League in Bend, Oregon. Her work is currently featured in fine art galleries and juried shows. www.BarbaraSlater.com slaterart@gmail.com • (541) 480-2787 NEXT ISSUE: SPRING2025 ProductionBegins: Feb. 1 st QUARTERLYPUBLICATION Publishes March 1st - runs to June 1st Full Page•$795 ($265permonth) 1/2Page•$495 ($165permonth) 1/4Page•$295 ($99permonth)

Distribution: Kevin Banks

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